Don’t Let Your Email campaigns Fall Into the Spam Trap


Email campaigns can be a great way to reach out to customers and promote your products or services. Still, they can also easily fall into the spam trap if not done correctly.

Ensure SPF, DKIM, and DMARC Authentication are proper:

Email authentication is verifying that an email is actually from the organization it claims to be from. This is done by verifying the email’s header information and domain name. There are three primary email authentication protocols: Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC).

All three of these authentication protocols work by checking the email’s header information against a set of rules or policies that the organization has put in place. If the email’s header information matches the organization’s policy, then the email is considered authenticated. If not, then the email is deemed to be spam.

It’s essential to ensure that your website’s SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records are correctly set up and working perfectly.

Track your email opening and click-through rate:

Email campaigns can be a great way to keep in touch with customers and promote new products, but they can easily fall into the spam trap. One way to avoid this is to track your email opening and click-through rate. This will help you see which emails are being opened and which ones are being clicked on, so you can adjust your campaigns accordingly.

Write the email to encourage the recipient to click on it. Make sure that you tell them how to unsubscribe from your email list if they don’t want to receive future emails.

If your email opening and click-through rate start to drop, you will want to do some market research and figure out why your email is not being opened as much as you would like.

You may be sending emails to people who have already opted out of receiving your email messages.

Immediately reduce your email sending volume to under 200/day until you identify the problem with the drop-in rate.

Protecting your Domain and IP reputation is paramount to staying in business. If you’re using a hosted email service, like MailChimp or Campaign Monitor, keep an eye on the metrics they provide.

Creating a catchy and eye-catching subject line:

The subject line is the first thing potential customers will see, so make sure it stands out and makes them want to open the email.

Your email campaign’s success depends on more than just the content of your message. The subject line is critical, as it’s the first thing potential customers will see. If it doesn’t catch their attention, they may never even open your email.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to create a catchy and eye-catching subject line:

  1. Keep it short. The ideal subject line is between 5 and 10 words long. Anything more prolonged, and you risk losing customers’ attention.
  2. Use keywords that people are likely to search for. Suppose you can target your message to people actively looking for information related to your product or service. In that case, you’re more likely to get them to open your email.
  3. Personalize it whenever possible. Add your name, logo, and contact info to make it stand out from the crowd.
  4. Add a call to action. Even if your subject line says “free information,” you should link people to your website or blog instead of simply giving them the information they want.
  5. Add emoji. This will drive curiosity, but it’s also much more likely to get opened than regular text.
  6. Don’t be boring. No one wants to read the same monotonous email, and the more you send that same email, the more likely it is to get ignored.

Keeping your content relevant and exciting:

Your email campaign content must be relevant and interesting to your subscribers, or it will quickly fall into the spam trap. Generic, irrelevant content will promptly get marked as spam and could damage your deliverability rates.

Customers are more likely to engage with an email campaign relevant to them and provide exciting or valuable information. Try to include a call to action (CTA) in your email campaign. The CTA should be appropriate to the content of the email and encourage the subscriber to take a specific action.

Consider using a variety of different writing styles in your email campaign. Don’t use the same writing style throughout an email campaign.

Monitor your Domain and IP reputation:

Domain and IP reputation are important factors to consider when sending email campaigns. Your domain reputation is how recipients perceive your sending domain. A high domain reputation means that your recipients are more likely to trust your messages and open them. Conversely, a low domain reputation means that your recipients are more likely to mark your messages as spam or even unsubscribe from future messages.

IP reputation is how recipients perceive the IP address from which they send messages. Like with domains, a high IP reputation means that your recipients are more likely to trust your emails and open them. Conversely, a low IP reputation means that your recipients are more likely to mark your messages as spam or even unsubscribe from future messages.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to monitor and improve your domain and IP reputations:

  • Signup for the Google Postmaster tool.
  • Use Mail Tester before every email you send.
  • Senderscore is a great way to check your IP reputation.
  • Cisco IP and Domain reputation checker.

Use Feedback loop and monitor bounce:

Email marketers have to be careful not to let their campaigns fall into the spam trap. One of the few things you can do to help avoid this is using a feedback loop and monitoring bounce rates.

Bounce rates are a good indicator of whether or not your email is being delivered to the correct address. Your email is likely being flagged as spam if you’re seeing high bounce rates.

Bounce is of two types, Hard bounce and Spam bounce.

A hard bounce means the email was attempted to be delivered to a non-existing email address. These are the worst bounce, and a meager <2% of hard bounce is enough to ruin your sending reputation.

On the other hand, spam bounce is the rejection done by the recipient mail server, which indicates that the email was likely a piece of spam. There are various metrics on which this action is taken, and one of the most important ones is the number of links in your email.

A feedback loop helps you deal with emails getting marked as spam by the users and your bounce. In some email systems, they also are called spam scores.

It’s essential to monitor your open and click-through rates. If they’re low, it could be a sign that your email is being filtered out or that the recipients aren’t interested in what you’re sending them.

Email Formatting :

Email formatting can be the difference between an email being seen as a valuable communication and one that is relegated to the spam folder.

Though it’s assumed text format emails are safer than HTML emails, there are no stats to prove it.

The amount of link and their relevance to email is directly related to the email quality.

Testing your email campaigns before sending:

Email campaigns can be a great way to reach out to customers and promote your business, but they can quickly fall into the spam trap if they’re not well-crafted. Before sending out your next email campaign, test it for potential spam issues. There are several things you can do to try your campaign and ensure that it will reach its target audience:

First, use a spam checker tool such as Mail Tester to scan your campaign for potential problems. These tools can help you identify common issues that can lead to emails being flagged as spam.

Next, send a small segment of your campaign to a group of friends or colleagues and ask them to provide feedback.

Are the emails getting through?

Do Subscribers open them?

Are they clicking on any links or responding to any calls to action?

Be sure to listen to their feedback and make changes accordingly.

It’s essential to test your email campaigns before sending them out to ensure that they are displaying correctly and that the links are working correctly.

Sending at the right time:

You don’t want to send an email campaign in the middle of the night or an hour before you go to bed. Sending at the right time will ensure that your email is read by a broad audience and encourage them to open up your emails.

It’s essential to send your email campaigns when people are most receptive.

Check your sending volume:

To avoid your campaigns from falling into the spam trap, it’s essential to check your sending volume.

Sending too many emails without giving gaps in between them can annoy your customers and lead to many unsubscribes or getting marked as spam.

However, sending infrequent emails is not a good idea either. It can let your subscribers forget about you.

If you are starting, doing an email blast in large volume is a complete no-no. You need to go through a warm-up period and start the email marketing campaign. Ramp up your volume if your bounce, feedback, and CTR are looking good in steps.

If you’re not sure how much volume is too much, ask your ESP for advice. They’ll be able to tell you how many emails you can send each day, week, or month without triggering spam filters. And remember to monitor your open rates and click-through rates to make sure your campaigns are being seen and clicked on by your audience.


In conclusion, email campaigns can be a great way to reach out to customers and promote your business, but it is crucial to avoid the spam trap. By following the tips in this article, you can create successful email campaigns that will reach your target audience and help grow your business.